
work in progress

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

the need for inspiration

in·spi·ra·tion (ĭn'spə-rā'shən) - noun, stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity, the condition of being so stimulated.

i am so not inspired these days. maybe its bacause of lack of information or stories. i haven't been reading much lately and this has caused my brain to stop functioning the way it used to. i haven't read a book in a while that's why inspiration escapes me. i'm running out of stories to tell or creative genes to produce. i need inspiration. and i need it fast, maybe stories from inspirational people or works done by some exceptional person, i don't know. i just need inspiration. i feel like an artist looking for a muse. and i'm not even talking about the opposite sex here. i'm talking of a motivation, an idea, sort of a diesel to make the engine start. my head is filled with flimsy ideas and it pains me to know that i cannot come up with anything that what i have learned in college will not do that i need to learn on my own, be self sufficient and receptive of the ideas.

hopefully, inspiration finds me.

Maria Francia Posted At 6:49:00 PM


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