
work in progress

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Thank You So Much for Calling!

I have finally decided to call it quits with my short live call center career. The date: December 15, I feel that this is the perfect date for me to leave and somehow I am at peace with that decision, no regrets and definitely no doubts. When I told my parents my decision, they agreed and I prayed for this one so I guess it is His plan for me to say goodbye to my days as a customer service agent. I'm so excited for Decmber 15 to come, I have so many plans with my friends and also here at home. Although I'll miss the generous incentives, I think my health and well being is much more important than anything money can buy. I also feel that working on Christmas day would bring immense sadness and just thinking of working on Christamas day almost bring tears to my eyes.

With this decision came my emancipation, admittedly these past couple of months have been very challenging and difficult on my part. I haven't gotten used to the idea yet that I am no longer a kid or a student and that I have to face the harsh realities of life. I am now slowly trying to reconcile the fact that I am an adult already with responsibilities and has purpose in life. Gone are the days when you can just talk your way out of things or use your charms. You have to use your talents in order to get ahead in life. You have to show the world what you have because if you don't nobody will care. The greatest challenge in life is staying true to your values and standing by your faith when everything around you is so screwed up. Believing in the power much mightier than you are and just casting it all unto Him.

The first step is always acceptance. I know good things are about to happen. I can feel it.

I am slowly cleaning my closet, starting with the name tags bearing my name. I am keeping them some place so that I can look at them once in a while and be reminded of the good ol' days but not being constantly reminded of the past.

Maria Francia Posted At 8:19:00 AM


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