
work in progress

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

small thoughts

there are only two paths newly grads can tread on either you go abroad or you get into call centers or in general outsourcing industries.


Maria Francia Posted At 10:20:00 AM


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

musings of an OJTee

I'm currently at work faxing some papers for Team BPO. its a job expo that our company is oragnizing. if anyone is insterested just visit Greenbelt 1 on 27 and 28 of May and meet the leaders in BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). you may meet you dream employer there, so visit Greenbelt 1 on May 28 and 29! for ICT (information, communication and technology) Industry only!

am i happy doing my OJT?

yes, because i am learning from people who have bundles of experience and expertise. although it is not HR focused beacuse our services are mainly IT but working with other people, weaving your way through conflicts, feeling the ambience in the office and developing rapport with your officemates are the intagibles that you should learn regardless of what industry or department you are in. i could say that i'm learning a lot from the people i'm working with and working for.

plus, the working conditions are above par we have free lunch and it feels like home, well it is home, technically that it is, beacuse it is the house of the owner of the company. it has a very relaxed and comfortable working atmosphere. i can say that those are the perks of working here. i'm also beginning to adjust from the distance of this place to our home. i'm getting used to it because i'm entertained by the sights in my bus ride to work, plus it gives me time to think.

do i think OJT is important?

at first i was cursing it, hell for a whole lot of reasons but now now i'm starting to see the light (huh??!) i mean the significance of it in our lives as students. you really can't learn everything in school. yes they do tell you what to expect but you really can't grasp everything just by sitting in the classroom. we need to feel how it is to be at the mercy of other people and our lives depending on them, well school seems to be that way also but this is much more difficult and complex. it is important for the whole learning process, crazy as it may seem. plus the excitement of being a corporate slave for the capitalist world seems pleasing at times. you just have to love and live it.

what are the perks of being a trainee?

the most important benefit of being a trainee is that you have a license to be stupid, a moron, an imbecile and whatever name you have for tanga. they don't really expect you to be uber bright, and they don't rally expect that much from you. all you need to do is to be on your toes for their every beckon. in short be a slave. you have every reason to be tanga because your a trainee. they assume that you don't anything so you join in their little play and you depend on them for your every move. you don't have this kind of leisure when you start to work, companies expect you to be all knowing so that they can generate more income.

you will never be prepared for everything. there is no such thing as perfect preparation, you have to brace your self for whatever that may come your way but you can be slightly prepared OJT is one of those ways at least you know and you felt how it is to "work".

i hope this becomes fruitful.

Maria Francia Posted At 1:38:00 PM


Thursday, March 17, 2005

ako ay nagbalik

salamat at naayos ko na ang blog ko dahil namimiss ko ng magblog. anywho? bakit ako nagtatagalog eh dati lagi namang English ang ginagamit ko? ewan!?! alam ko na kasi i'm suffering from guilt pangs! i should be studying for final exams in Political Dynamics but here i am blogging my way with odyssa (she's right beside me!)

in brief statements, an update of what's been goin with my life

i have been doing unofficial and informal president stuff.

had our first meeting as executive board.

been travelling to greenhills for my OJT with iDnet Consulting Inc.

had our presentation of the Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music

had our BeS Night and our own version of the Intoxication Night

have been very busy lately but summer is about to start and i'll have a few changes in my blog once i find a better template...

tag everyone, love to hear from you.

Maria Francia Posted At 12:52:00 PM


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