
work in progress

Sunday, February 13, 2005

when it rain, it pours

its official, its been posted and i have been congratulated. I WON! i won the position of president of the BeS Soc this coming school year 2005 -2006. of the 6 people who ran under my ticket, 5 made it and boy were we happy! at first i wasn't really ecstatic, it was more of relief than happiness i don't know why but i am not that overwhelmed. compared with the announcement that i perfected my prelims in PGC when i was in first year with this new accomplishment, i have to say i was more happy and ecstatic with my grades.

when the circumstances and conditions that surrounded my winning were revealed, i felt blessed, humbled, and prudent because i know this new responsibility handed to me was not a self-serving endeavor, it was giving and sharing not taking. i was humbled because i realized that it didn't come from me, it came from the people, they choose me. blessed because some wanted the position themselves but it was given to me with precept that i can do a better job. and prudent because from now on everything i do will reflect on the society and of course i only want the best for the society.

more than anything else, i am happy that my classmates united to vote for me, it was an overwhelming feeling because last year 6 people didn't vote for me but now their preceptions change and our relations improved meaning i'm more closer to these people, and that i'm just happy and greatful.

right now, im not yet fully absorbing the enormity of the job but don't worry one of these days it will dawn on me that this job is no joke.

i'm just happy and thankful nonetheless.

Maria Francia Posted At 11:22:00 AM


Sunday, February 06, 2005


so francia where have you been lately?

you wouldn't believe what i've done these past couple of weeks. i ran for PRESIDENT of the BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE SOCIETY, elections is not until monday. yesterday was the last day of campaign and it was emotional for all of us candidates.

the first weeek was for recruitment, we were looking for people to fill the positions. there were glitches along the way but it was ironed out but of course not without casualties, we lost our precious AUDITOR. but it's okay, it was proving to be a good gamble on our part.

the second week was the filing of COC's (certificate of candidacies), it was intriguing and hostile for competing parties. there were a lot of manuevering, strategic moves and intrigues in the process but cooler heads and better judgement prevailed. this is were i realized that politics is a vey complex process because it involves two of the most dangerous elements in the planet: man and his inner desires. hand in hand with the filing was the screening, the aim of which i haven't totally grasped, because instead of asking about our intentions and plans, they were asking for past events that doesn't really matter. the better part i believe was when we met the past president of the Soc, where he showed me a good perspective of leadership and service.

the third week was for campaign, how indifferent and passive the students are! they are not really listening most of them were busy with their own lives (and cheeks) that they don't care about what's happening around them, the sad part is that they will be the next in line in leading the society.

after the tedious and worrisome weeks, i just cried because in this stage of the game, i can't do anything. this is where the part when we just have to let go and let be and let HIS will be done.

do pray for me.
this is the whole gang:

left to right: Vp Internal Namron, President Francia, SecretaryAileen, PRO Tabby, Auditor (in our hearts :0)Gilbert, VP External Dianne, Treasurer Bianca.

Maria Francia Posted At 9:32:00 AM


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